Friday, July 26, 2013

Do you Care?

I sent a letter to a woman that represents me in a case..a very sad case to be sure, since she always asks, as part of the greeting, how are you?  Are you okay?  
The email included details of what is going on in my life right now, in this foreign land where I have been a target of abuse.  I don't consider myself a victim but in unfortunate circumstances sometimes that's what happens.  Bad shit happens to good people, people who shouldn't be sad, are.
It was a "test" email.  Do we really care what happens to each other, are we a christian society?  I'm sorry, we are not, not even on the individual level of life.  Sure we know our leaders are sociopathic, insane and consider us expendibles and even revile us - but on the personal level that has seeped down and infected our relationships.  Puerto Rico was once a place where people cared about their family, neighborhoods and society.  today that society is corrupt, very unhealthy and quite demented.  relationships are sexual, violent, and there are many that think by shutting the front door and turning on the teevee and ignoring it because they're powerless to do anything, it will keep the wolf on the other side of the door, they'll be safe as TOMTOM said in the move TOMTOM "just leave me alone with my teeve and my steal belted radials, just go away"  As if escaping into fantasyland/teevee is the cure. When infact it's programming us to not pay attention, not be spiritually aware that the wolf is eating you from the inside out, not to pick up the blowtorch and go and get that dam beast.  No amount of pride and enjoyment in a daughter's chello playing, lessons, recitals, not any distraction from mercy and compassion is the cure, my dear Nit.  for your daughter inherits your world, your ethics, the world you have created, a world without mercy and compassion and goodness.  And yes, I lay that right in front of your closed and barred door. 
what happens when you misplace your christian values, pushing them aside for a job, and no matter what uniform you wear, if you're working it is still slavery. And for that you've had to tuck your dignity into a tiny dark corner where it will become the beast that feeds upon you and your children and your children's children - if we survive as a race that is. 
So where the fuck did you misplace your dignity? Your mercy and compassion?  they are what your heart is for, the strongest muscle in the body which radiates out and can change everything if we have trust in ourselves, in that heart, and no matter how hard they try to squash your mercy and compassion, you stop handing over everything of real value from fear.    

There is a field beyond all notions of right and wrong.  Come, meet me there.  -Rumi, poet and mystic (1207-1273) 

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